Truth and Dare
Happy Palindrome Day everyone!
Our date for today is 02/02/2020, which makes it a palindrome, a word or a phrase where you can spell it backward and forward but it will read the same.
While palindromes could come in various forms like seven-digit palindrome (1-10-2011) or some fewer digits (9-10-19), today's palindrome is special because it is written with eight digits.
02/02/2020 could be written in "Day/Month/Year" or "Month/Day/Year", depending on the format of your country, it would still not make a difference which makes it an international palindrome.
The last time this event happened was more than 900 years ago, (11-11-1111).
This phenomenon only takes place once in a millennium and the next one will be on 03/03/3030.
So make today special because it is one of a kind phenomenon. Good Day!